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A stepping stone for nocoiners...

21 reasons

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Originally posted on Substack Dec 20, 2021

Updated here on Dec15, 2024


  1. Bitcoin is unconfiscatable, permissionless, open source code, borderless, limited supply.
  2. Bitcoin offer decentralized control over the money supply and usage by each of its user.
  3. Bitcoin is a new form of natural selection and radical sovereignty. Is financial sovereignty.
  4. Bitcoin is self leadership and self responsibility.
  5. Bitcoin can limit corruption to meaningless levels.
  6. Bitcoin is P2P money (person to person) and banks are not trusted. Bitcoin enable doing business in private without interference of suppressive governments.
  7. Bitcoin is truth on a time chain. The Bitcoin Blockchain is actually a time-chain that stores transactions data forever, a ledger that is almost impossible to change.
  8. Bitcoin is a real protection of your wealth and store your future needed energy.
  9. Bitcoin enables business in areas of the world with little to no existing financial infrastructure.
  10. Bitcoin is hard money (purchasing power over time and deprives central banks of the ability to control and devalue it for their benefit. The Bitcoin Standard.
  11. Bitcoin is hope for a change; Bitcoin will be the turning point of a sick society.
  12. Bitcoin strip governments and the military complex of direct funding for their trade wars around the world, you can't fund wars with Bitcoin.
  13. Bitcoin is an instrument that helps people to get out of the system, to escape from the Banksters Cartel.
  14. Bitcoin is giving to the people the value of their work, separating state and money; and thus stop paying the inflation.
  15. Bitcoin is endless innovation, for more solutions are developed, the more new ideas emerge. Is like a living organism, like a mycelium fungi. There are no limitations.
  16. Bitcoin is the escape from debt slavery. Bitcoin is savings technology, is totally reverse to actual consumerism mentality that is pushing to endless waste of resources.
  17. Bitcoin is green. Mining (creating) new bitcoins uses that type of energy that normally is wasted (see shell gases converted into energy for mining BTC, volcanoes geothermal energy, hydro-energy surplus). Mining BTC does not polute the planet like mining gold or USD (aka wars).
  18. Empowerment of the self, uncensorable flow of energy, promotion of equality, no one left behind, lower barrier to access.
  19. Bitcoin rewards positive actions and punishes negative actions.
  20. Bitcoin brings like-minded people together, generating a better future for mankind.
  21. Bitcoin, because FUCK the banks!

Bitcoin Fuck Banks

Do you want to learn more about Bitcoin?

Listen Audio book "Why Bitcoin Series" - by Guy Swan

Listen Audio article "Dear Family, Dear Friends" - by derGigi**

Read "Moving Heaven and Earth" How Bitcoin and Humans Will Actually Save the World by Tomer Strolight

Start here:

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