How Bitcoin and Natural Law can work together to empower the man into being a full sovereign individual?
| | | | | | | |Originally posted on Substack on Oct 03, 2021
Updated here Dec 11, 2024
This post is not about giving you, the reader, all the details, but to open your mind, into studying more these aspects.
Maybe you are not into Bitcoin at all, maybe you are not into Natural Law at all, doesn't really matter. What matter is that you read this post and start putting together more pieces of the puzzle and your mind start thinking outside the box/cage, start seeing the real world.
In this post I will only try to give you some few aspects to think and dig more. The rabbit hole is deeper, but don't despair, you will get through, if your mind is open and you have the desire to live in a better world, you will find your own way to learn more.
We have been lied, for centuries, over and over. But now we are waking up and start seeing the lie, the biggest lie of human history - how we were enslaved with lies.
Is time for a change! And the change comes from each individual.
Introduction to Natural Law
Let's start with the simple definition of Natural Law:
- do not do harm to other man
- do not steal from other man
- do not kill another man
- stay in honor (my personal addition)
That's all. All start from these simple "rules". But nowadays, our society it turned upside down and people fooled into being slaves of "their own rulers".
Satoshi specified the “do not steal” ethic of Natural Law in unbreakable code.
Now with Bitcoin we have a chance to fix the world. Bitcoin is a very powerful weapon against tyranny.
As you can see in this simple diagram, the living man, is not under any "jurisdiction" but is above all. What we are seeing today, is that people, with their own consent and ignorance are falling under the jurisdiction of all those fictitious institutions that fool them into declaring themselves "citizens" as being part of a CORPORATION. When in fact is totally upside down.
STOP falling for this lie! All those corporations are creation of a man, are imaginary and are there to serve you, the living man. NOT the way around as they are trying to make you to believe that.
Corporations posing as governments
Once you declare yourself "citizen" of a country/nation/whatever form of CORPORATION, you became automatically their slave and there's nothing that can save you from that burden.
To have a more understanding about these aspects I would recommend you to save this resources list and take your time studying:
- Living in the private - a must read blog about Public and Private
- Your consent - everything is a contract
- Slavery by consent - impressive wake up documentary
- Natural Law Seminar - by Mark Passio (6h in 3 parts)
- The Science of Natural Law - by Mark Passio
- InPower - how to take back your power, where you stand
- Strawman story - what is a "strawman" and what role have in a society
- Secret City of London is a CORPORATION
- Servant King - playlist of short explanations of the "two of you"
- Dean Clifford Seminar - Trust Law and Sovereignty playlist
- I am a Free Man - Youtube channel with tons of good explanatory videos
- Alfonse Fagiolo - Youtube channel, how to use affidavit and other tools
- Natural Law and Sovereignty - Bitchute chanel with lot of resources
- How slavery system works
- Sovereign man living his life out of the system
- The Island part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - by Larken Rose
Books to read:
Ok, so now you understand "who you really are" and the lie you lived until now. Is time to fix that and be again a full sovereign individual.
Another very important aspect is that from now on being a sovereign individual also brings with it, FULL RESPONSIBILITY. From this moment there will be no more governments or any "public" institutions that can "protect" you, you are on your own.
But how?
Let's say you manage to clear the "burden" of being a citizen slave, you secured your assets in a Trust (UCC / copyright-name or private trust), from this point forward recognizing yourself a sovereign individual, you "copyright" your name and take control over your strawman, you declared your own body as your own limits of your own country (so wherever you are traveling you are in your own country).
All of these are long processes and are intentionally designed not to be easy to complete. Don't think is like a simple "get out of jail free" card, no, first you really have to understand the process and the most important to know where are you positioned in that basic scheme. Then come the part of paperwork that also have its purpose and path. But that is another story to tell...
Look at this chart and ask yourself: Where do you stand to claim your sovereignty?
Where are you? Inside of those circles or outside?
Sovereignty has a cost
It means you can't outsource critical functions.
For some, it means spending time tediously administering self hosted hardware and software.
For others it means tending your own garden and animals, even though you could buy them cheaper at the grocer.
True sovereignty reigns when our individual expressions, whether verbal or financial, are unmanipulable by others. When a government censors your speech or a central bank devalues your dollar, it is a violation of your individual sovereignty.
There's one more thing that is missing! MONEY.
How could you be a sovereign individual without having financial sovereignty, sovereign currency? You can't declare yourself sovereign individual but you still use fiat money, aka debt slave tokens.
So here comes Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin is full sovereign money and is exactly what a sovereign individual need to close the gap.
You need to achieve financial independence, in order to achieve ideological independence, in order to achieve collective independence.
A must listen/watch talks about Bitcoin and Sovereignty with Robert Breedlove and Max Hillebrand:
Sovereignism - hosted by Swan Signal
What is Money Series with Max Hillebrand:
- ep.1 - Praxeology and Property
- ep.2 - Freedom, Ethics, and Reason
- ep.3 - The Natural Law Ethic
- ep.4 - Justice and reason
- ep.5 - Crime and Punishment
- ep.6 - Libertarianism and The Law
- ep.7 - Discovering the power of reason
- ep.8 - Ethics and Strategy
- ep.9 - The Contradictions of Statism
- ep.10 - Property as Philosophical Steel
- ep.11 - The Moral Status of Statism
- ep.12 - The Strategy for Liberty
Bitcoin is sovereign money and crashes everything in its path
Who have jurisdiction over my own money?
So, we know now, that nobody can have jurisdiction over you and your labor, at least until you consent and give them that authority and jurisdiction. So nobody can come to you and say: "hey, why are you using Bitcoin to buy that shit or pay that man...". Is not their damn business what are you doing with your own money.
Even, if let's say, you are buying some BTC from a KYC exchange. You buy them, withdraw to your own BTC wallet and use them as money. Never go back to fiat money.
Being scared that a government or agency will trace your BTC and trying to stop you using them, is just like recognizing their jurisdiction over your own money.
Avoiding their tactics is like lying but you still agree they have power over you. Avoiding means lying and lying is not honorable.
A sovereign individual always stays in honor.
Confronting means stay in truth. You confront them by saying: this are my own money and is not your damn business what am I doing with them. FUCK OFF!
Be the lion that confronts them, not the shit scared rabbit that avoid and hide from them.
Yes, is good that you can use many tools to keep your privacy private, like I explained in this post here, about Lightning Cleaning Machine, but that is just another story. But never be scared of their scaremongering.
Another important aspect is your own custody of all your bitcoins. Yes, in some special little cases you can use a custodial wallet, but for simple, little amounts and for shity payments is OK. The important thing is that your main stash is kept in private custody.
See the blog about "Living in the private" that explains the differences between acting "in private" and acting "in public". Depending on the situation, you act accordingly.
Running your own node is also a very important aspect, as I describe it in the "Umbrel node guide". This also offers you the way to be like "uncle Jim" for you family and friends that can't run a BTC/LN node.
Taxation is theft!
There's no debate on this. There's no good or bad taxation. For a sovereign individual, taxation is pure theft. Only slaves pay taxes.
A nice and simple explanation by Larken Rose here "I am allowed to rob you".
If any other government agency or individual comes to you and ask/force/coerce you to pay taxes, simply say this:
"Please provide the document / paper, where I, myself, as a living man, I signed and I consent that somebody else will have full authority, jurisdiction and right to take a cut from my own labor income / result / profit. Then I will be willingly pay what you request. But that document will mean SLAVERY, so I doubt you will come up with such document and even more, you will be the one having more problems than me (you are coercing me into slavery)". In other words... a nicely said "FUCK OFF, leave me alone".
So all that bullshit people are scared shit about "I have top pay taxes for my capital gainz on BTC" will be gone. Is a total words game to fool you into thinking that you have to pay taxes for your BTC gainz.
Again, be the lion that confronts them, not the shit scared rabbit that avoid and hide from them, by making complicated tax avoidance schemes.
Remember: avoiding = lying. Stay always in honor = confront them / defend your property and money (BTC).
Peace and prosperity
Yes, Bitcoin and Natural Law (followed by other laws - common law, trust law, maritime law etc) can be the way out for humanity, from the shit is in it right now.
First of all is that Bitcoin can bring peace on the planet. There will never be enough BTC to fund a war, as is funded today with infinite fiat money
A very interesting talk about this aspect (Bitcoin vs war) by Stefan Molyneux.
Nobody in his sane mind will give away his BTC to fund a war.
Bitcoin will always bring more peace, harmony and prosperity, will increase commerce and free market, innovation in technology, open source software and voluntarism.
Bitcoin is the way out to the light from darkness
Bitcoin is also a "savings economy"
It pushes people to be very wise in what are they spending their money (satoshis). No more crazy consumerism and useless shit, just because you have endless fiat money. You will start saving (HODLing) each sat you have for the moment when you really need to spend it for a thing that you really need it at that time.
You will ask "ok, but what about lending / borrowing if I need more money". That aspect I cover it in another post here. The important thing is that people will start controlling their greed for "having more stuff", useless stuff.
You will say "yes, but this will end up in less stuff produced, stagnation of progress".
My answer to that will be: yes, a stagnation of madness into producing useless shit on this planet. That is not a stagnation of good progress, a real progress into useful things for humanity, to be able to live a simple and peaceful and stable life.
Just imagine how much shit is produced right now into the military complex. For what?
Just imagine how much shit and money is pumped into Elon Musk megalomania into launching rockets to Mars? You, as a simple living man on this planet, you really need that? Is that improving your normal and healthy life, here down on Earth? No. So why continue funding his madness? Because he's NOT doing it with his own pocket money, is doing it with all people's money from taxation (theft).
Why not instead building something really useful down here, on this planet, like for example converting deserts into flourished gardens? Why we need to go to Mars to do the same? This planet is more than enough for everybody. Only need to be well used.
Sovereign individual and communities
This is also a very important aspect.
Better slow down the madness and go back to basics, let's put in first place the man and its basic needs. Each man on this planet deserve to have a shelter, food and dignity. Starting from there, each one can expand, evolve and do whatever they want (respecting the natural law).
A sovereign individual, first will do whatever can to provide for him and his family, then will go into local communities and offer help from his own extra produce or energy or work labor. But nobody should force him into doing "community service", everything have to be voluntary.
Free market and honest commerce will prevail into building strong communities.
Help local produce and buy local produce, not globalization and useless wasting resources. Example: why do I need to bring apples from America / Chile into Europe? Doesn't have Europe enough land to produce apples? And so on... examples are everywhere.
Each community can produce and build its own necessary items. They do not have the resources? Fine, buy only those items/resources that you really can produce in your area.
Bitcoin will push individuals into using their own available resources as much as they can. Remember Bitcoin is saving economy.
Another aspect that will bring Bitcoin will be: improved skills. People will be pushed to have better education, a "skill focused" learning. This will make people able to do their own things, grow their own food, build their own tools. Yes, when bigger and complicated things have to be build, community comes together with common effort and resources, but all is based on fair and free market.
So, invest in education instead of speculation. Will bring you more joy and prosperity in a long run. Learn to build things, learn to do things with your own hands and mind.
Citadels ? Maybe
But I would say will be more "individual citadels" than big city citadels, like meshtadels, small "citadels" linked in between with a network of connections, roads, collaboration, commerce.
Not really needed a "defense" mechanism. If each citadel respect Natural Law and conflicts are defused/closed using common law / commerce law, there is no need for military or violent system.
Sovereign communities always can create a voluntary or paid group of "peace officers" that can watch and protect private property and people from bad actors. But not being "law enforcers" like now.
Each individual is fully responsible for its actions and others will make him to pay if is acting in bad attitude or simply will be banned from communities.
No worry, thefts can happen, until human greed and behavior will be fixed with good education and prosperity. But those bad actors will find it harder and harder to do harm to others. And they will be punished, of course.
Firstly, because where is freedom, is prosperity; there's no need to rob something if you can produce it yourself.
Secondly, because for more restrictions a society will impose, more thefts will be. Its in human nature to be like that.
Can this "utopia" be a real world?
Yes, this is the only way humanity can go forward. And yes, a change in people's mentality is needed. And this will not happen from a day to another, it will take maybe 10-20-30 years.
But Bitcoin is here and is already changing mentality of some people, in special the HODLers.
Start with yourself, the reader of this post. Start opening your mind, opening your heart, start being a better individual, start by putting aside your greed and ego. The world will be a better place if you start with you a better individual coming from a position of honor.
The world is not made by countries, communities and societies. The world is built by sovereign individuals that are responsible themselves for their own actions and behavior.
If not, what other "scenario" would be possible?
In simple words: hell, chaos, tyranny, enslavement, destruction of humanity.
Now is time for you to decide. What do you chose?
Bitcoin - sovereignty, freedom, liberty, prosperity, healthy, harmony, friendship, borderless
Fiat money / gold - tyranny, slavery, pollution, sickness, wars, closed borders
Why I mentioned gold? Did you ever ask yourself how that piece of gold arrived in your hands? Just some examples here about how bad is to extract gold. Not talking more about the difficulty to use it as money. Is gold necessary as a resource for producing other stuff in our life? Yes, many electronic devices depend on that gold. But ask yourself: how much gold bars are just sitting in banks vaults doing nothing. Those are more than enough to produce devices for the rest of our life, without extracting more gold from the mines and pollute more.
So yes, gold as money is as bad as fiat money.
And that's why we have Bitcoin. Here are 21 reasons why Bitcoin will save the world.
Yes, you are at crossroads. Chose wisely.
I really hope that after you read this post, you will reflect more about all your life aspects, what are you doing every day, what you do not really need to do, what you need to improve, what you wish to do and actually don't do.
And the most important aspect:
How much you know about Bitcoin and Natural Law?
Open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart.
The world is changing and Bitcoin is here to help us.
Citadel Theory: What is coming and how to survive it
Here I was interviewed about this article on a portuguese podcast, A Seita Bitcoin #37.