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A warning to all public node operators about actual usage of Lightning Network. This article is dedicated to all new those new users that start now or want to start running now a BTC LN node.

Originaly posted on Substack on May 23, 2022. Is possible that some issues from this article were already fixed, upgraded, modified, improved.


These are my personal observations and recommendations after 25+ years in IT systems, 10+ years in Bitcoinlandia and 2+ years running various LN nodes, dedicating a lot of time testing and using various solutions for LN nodes, helping other node operators.

My only goal is to make LN working better for all participants and presenting some aspects in a very objective point of view.

I don't care if many will not agree or even hate me for what I will say here. Yes for some will not be pleasant words. I am not here to please anybody, I am presenting facts. If you are looking for nice words and "kiss ass", you will not hear it from me. I will always speak the truth in my own way, if you do not like my words, it is your problem not mine.

In 2020 after Umbrel launched the BTC/LN suite Umbrel Node, many new people jump in and install it, thinking that is fun, easy and even a "passive income". But they ignored one important aspect: EDUCATION about Lightning Network.

In almost 1 year, we've seen the number of LN nodes increased with at least 9000 nodes. That's an insane number in such a short time. And mostly on Tor.

Yes, is nice to see the interest in running a LN node, but from what I saw on Telegram groups and forums, 90% have no idea what they are doing.

I think this launch was a mistake, or at least the way was done. Too many users with total 0 knowledge jumped in and create a chaos. I don’t know who promote it as “very easy to install a node in 3 clicks” but running a node is not about that you can install it with just 3 clicks. Is more about having a lot of knowledge about Bitcoin and how LN is working in background. Otherwise is just creating a chaotic network of people with not idea about what they are doing. Yes, I helped them a lot with my guides and being almost 24/7 available with advice. But is not enough. They have to make big efforts in reading and learning about nodes. Otherwise is all in vain.

Yes, some of them start slowly educate themselves and became good node operators. But the majority, didn't give a shit about the warnings and still continue to run their nodes in very bad ways, without proper maintenance, without basic knowledge about how LN works, some of them the only focus they have is "earn sats".

This situation is getting worse and worse every day, because these "bad nodes" are making a nightmare for ALL OF US in the network.


Here I will mention some aspects of this nightmare (maybe some issues are already fixed):


So as a new user in this fascinating world of Lightning Network, what you should do:

Example of Umbrel user, that want to be a “node operator” with no idea what is doing


Please consider to find a way to improve LN code with these aspects. These requests are not only for LN implementation developers, but also for managing tools and wallets like Thunderhub, RTL, Zeus etc. Maybe your goals are different, but please at least listen to what users say and request:


I hope this article will open many more eyes and make people realize that we still have work to do to improve LN. We still have time to fix it and we can start with simple things: education for new users and fixing/improving LN code.

You can reopen a channel but the lost sats from force closing, and reopening were thrown in vain...

And when you start having 4-5 FC / week you would not see it so reliable to run a routing node.

I myself have 2 running LN nodes and I am considering to shut down totally one of them. Maybe both (CLN and LND) and will just run a Blixt or Zeus on desktop or mobile, privately and don’t give a shit about all the routing and helping the network.

I am willing to route for free but paying force closures for others mistakes... is not acceptable./<

We start building a payment network but others on the other side are trying to shut it down. We now have liquidity marketplaces, we buy channels, but if these “contracts” are not respected and established with certain rules, nobody will give a shit and will just close your channels. Reputation will not give you back any sats you lost from that force closing and the network that you start building and now is lost.

Example here, a seller that sold a channel and then willing to close it. Yes the peer could be offline or could be online. But you have a contract when you sold that channel. And this will create a precedent. People will sell you channels and then close them. All your work is gone.

Yes, this seller is right, is concerned why the peer is offline. But the contract is a contract. Must be respected.

Also could be the fucking gossip, that sometimes is really crazy, showing some peers offline, but in fact they aren’t.

Myself I was in a situation that few days in a row, 3-4-5 peers appeared offline (from 55 peers in total). One of those was even my another node CLN, that I was watching in the same time and was OK, online and well. So LND decided to close connection with these peers, for no reason.

Tried to re-connect to peers, some worked, some don’t. Contacted peers, they said they are online and well. My CLN included.

Why this is happening? Nobody knows or try to fix it. And from this issue start the other problems with pending HTLCs, then force closings.

I am raising a WARNING here, now, and maybe in few years people will remember my words.

If this issue in LN, with force closed channels is not fixed some way, or add new specific rules in the code, we will see a huge centralization in a handful of big nodes that will handle the liquidity, with huge fees.

Or maybe in few years, we will see coming up a new LN, the plebs LN, in parallel, where another payment system will be born, but that can be “pegged” to the “centralized LN” that is forming today.

At the time of writing this article, LND launched also v.0.15 and CLN v0.11.1, fixing some issues, but in the same time causing massive force closures for many nodes.

As you can see here in this graph from

Many of those nodes “disappeared” from the graph, are:

Note: a continuation of this article is here with a guide about how to use LN on 3 levels