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DarthCoin thoughts and recommendations for all those asking "how / when ₿itcoin mass adoption"

I see many people asking this question over and over:

“when we will see Bitcoin mass adoption?” or “what can we do towards Bitcoin mass adoption?”.

My simple TLDR answer is: when people will learn to be sovereign individuals.

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Originally posted on Substack on May 05, 2023

Updated here on Dec 13, 2024

First of all, let’s see WHO is asking these kind of questions, because not everybody have the interest in seeing this “mass adoption”.

There are some “categories” of people, based on their level of interest, education, knowledge, social position, political view. We will always have these categories, no matter what.

For all those that want to climb the knowledge ladder of Bitcoin, I wrote a dedicated guide here. Is not easy and take a lot of time and dedication. But worth it 100%.

You may ask, what does it means: “to be a sovereign individual"?”

The detailed answer is in another of my guides: Bitcoin and Natural Law.

Now, let’s see in simple steps how we can achieve that “Bitcoin mass adoption”.

So if you are one of those that really want Bitcoin mass adoption, then focus on these steps, first for yourself and later help your close ones (family and friends, local communities).

Don’t go screaming to politicians or give them Bitcoin books or try to explain them that you want / need Bitcoin. Politicians are NEVER on your side, they are not there to help you. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THAT FACT.

Bitcoin mass adoption WILL NEVER COME FROM YOUR POLITICIANS OR GOVERNMENTS, will come from you, from each individual that start using it.

This is a very long journey, don’t expect that in few years everybody will achieve it. Have patience, perseverance and dedication into fighting this war against tyranny.


Without education that create a strong base of knowledge, people will never understand how to use Bitcoin and what really is Bitcoin. They will never understand WHY Bitcoin will save the world.

And without this base knowledge, you can forget about “mass adoption”. Bitcoin will be just used in underground economies, by people that will decide to live outside of putrid tyrannical societies.

Do not ignore this step, you will always have to learn something new and life is a pursuit of knowledge. Your knowledge about Bitcoin is your most valuable and strong “weapon” against bullshitism, against those that will try to confuse you, to deceive you, to fool you, to manipulate you with all kind of other crap.



What is the point of learning something good in your life, but you never put in practice?

So start using your Bitcoin as money, slowly, small amounts, testing, having fun.

Go and support your near small merchants that accept Bitcoin, check on and also check here some examples of real life experience paying with Bitcoin.

You do not have to spend all your sats now! Not at all. Just practice few times. You still don’t have that position / level that you could start living on Bitcoin Standard.


This is quite important step. And hard. And you will need to study even more than just Bitcoin. And the hardest point will be to CHANGE YOUR MIND.

We were conditioned for many centuries to think and live like slaves, even that many couldn’t not imagine that is possible. Yes, it is, and we were modern slaves.

So how to step out of the slavery cage:


You already reached a level when you see how the world could work better without any “help” from the state, politicians, govs, banks and all that crap.

Start building your community, with like minded people. Help each others. Try to be self sufficient as much as you can.

Check on local farm producers and if they do not accept BTC yet, convince them, educate them, help them doing it.

Live a simple and healthy life, out of any stress, as much is possible into nature.

Bitcoin will be your community freedom money. Start EARNING in Bitcoin and never go back to shitcoin fiat. Reject as much as you can to use fiat, in any shape or form.

For more will be used, Bitcoin will became stronger. Don’t give that power to the fiat shitcoins, because of convenience.

Support and help those merchants that accept Bitcoin directly. Boycott those that still refuse to accept Bitcoin as money.

If you still feed your merchant with your VISA card, that merchant will NEVER be interested into accepting Bitcoin. Don’t let those companies trying to fool you with their shity “bitcoin debit cards”. It’s a trap!

Please read here my explanation

Merchants adoption is the most last important step before mass adoption.


Because without them to provide you products and services, Bitcoin will be worthless, powerless, just a code in a computer. Those merchants will start slowly to accept it, will hold it firstly, but once they get more and more BTC received, will start paying their workers and suppliers in BTC.

Once from 10 merchants in a town, 4-5 already accept BTC, you will see how also the others will be interested.

And this is how slowly the Bitcoin circular economy start: with merchants. All the rest is just noise. No matter what you will hear from politicians, govs, legal tender bullshit, investments crap etc all that will be for nothing.

Bitcoin is a grass roots movement, that start from the bottom and going slowly to the top.


That will happen when almost ALL merchants in your city will use Bitcoin.

Then all those clueless normies, statists and bitcoin haters will realize that they are late to the game, is their DEFEAT. Those will start learning a hard life lesson:

BITCOIN IS FREEDOM, IS FREEDOM MONEY. And nothing can stand against.

These mass of idiots then will start coming to take your bitcoin in any way is possible. But they don’t know you are prepared. And will get nothing or just some crumbles.

That will create a huge wave of interest in Bitcoin. Will be almost chaos, mostly created by these idiots. But who did his homework and learn how to deal with bitcoin will not be affected.

Mass adoption means that humanity reached another level of conscience, knowledge, society based on mutual respect and respecting the Natural Law.

Yes, some countries will still keep a small government, with very limited role, but many will get rid of it totally. Their society will be based on strong local communities where Bitcoin will be their strong power.

Then come the PEACE and PROSPERITY.


Yes, all this sounds very idealistic. Call me lunatic, out of reality or whatever you want. I don’t give a damn shit. I know what am I talking about. I don’t need you to believe me, I only want you to think about what I just said and study.

But you will remember my words. Soon. Because we will see extreme changes in our world. For some will be bad, for some will be good. All depends on which side you will be and how prepared you will be.

Bitcoin mass adoption will come from YOU, each individual adopting for himself. But only if you reach that level of individual sovereignty.

And only then Bitcoin will save the world, because its power stand in each sovereign individual.

Bitcoin will NOT save the world… YOU the sovereign individual will save the world, using Bitcoin.