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Personal views about how to use Bitcoin and keep a level of privacy

Disclaimer for those with weak heart & mind:

  • In this article I use strong words.
  • This article for some could be considered “dangerous for our democracy”.
  • “Privacy advocates” will hate me same way govs will hate me.
  • The views presented are REAL, no bullshit lies or stupid facts.
  • Truth hurts, I know, so if you don’t like truth to be told right in your face, don’t read this article.
  • NPCs please, don’t read this, will give you a heart attack.


I am hearing all the time this question about “how Bitcoin and in special Lightning Network offers privacy to the Bitcoin user?”.

But... What is privacy? I think most of the people use this word without knowing its meaning and when should be used. Such a beautiful word, isn’t it?

Why? Because most of the people still don't know the difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC.

The definition of the word PRIVACY (noun):

In other words, if you want to be "private" or having "privacy", don't go in public with all your details. Why not use TWO IDENTITIES? One that is private and one that is public. Do all your "private" things with the "private identity" and all "public things" with the "public identity". And keep "your shit" private.

I suggest you to start reading this very good blog explaining these two aspects of your life: private and public.

Another aspect to be clear:

Bitcoin is money. Is not currency, is not "investment", is not any damn "taxable event".

Taxation is theft. Period. No debate.

Whatever any gov would say, Bitcoin is simply money.

So for all those "tax lovers" coming to say "but, gov will tax my BTC..." I would say: get your shit together, money are NOT taxed.

If you really want to use it in a commercial contractual fashion, for your own peace of mind, in your accounting ledgers, declare it as "cash income". Done. Is not their damn business (taxman or whatever gov bullshit) of asking what type of "cash" you got.


Now comes Bitcoin and how we are going to achieve this?

Here is a scheme of basic flow of funds using Lightning Network

I would start by saying: USE THE THREE LEVELS STASHING.

Split your Bitcoin stash into 3 main parts:

In this way, you keep your private stash into HODL, and public stash into SPEDNL. Nobody will know your private shit and you achieve that good level of "privacy".

Don't be so paranoia with "but is a LN custodial wallet" and shit like that. I am sure you are still having a bank account or a plastic card but you never say about that is custodial... you just go on with it.

As I said, use many different LN wallets, as I wrote in this comparison guide. Each one for a specific situation. You can easily and safely use any custodial wallet, for small amounts and play around with tips, donations, paying coffees etc. No need to be paranoia with "oh but this it doesn't offer privacy"... let's be serious for 1 min, you are paying a damn tip or coffee, not buying a tank or a shit load of drugs.

Also ask yourself: why not living a normal quiet life and don't do stupid things in public places? Nobody will give a damn shit that you bought your groceries with sats. Being paranoia with "oh boy, let me activate Tor on my mobile, to open my node over VPN, to pay you with a nym this damn coffee, because I don't want the gov to know I am buying this damn coffee... and onchain with Samourai, because LN is not “private”, is centralized and custodial" - that is just stupid paranoia. You over complicated things when is not necessary.

Also many of these custodial LN services are not KYC so use whatever damn fake identity, who cares in the end?

You have a LN node also? Good then you can add some level of “privacy” by using it as a bridge. As I explained in this guide about using 3 nodes. Use your imagination and knowledge about how to use these things. As I said, each type of LN wallet for its use.

More practical solutions using LN to lose trace of your possible "escapes" revealing your "private identity" I wrote these 2 guides:

The most important thing to keep private: YOUR DAMN WALLET SEED (KEYS).

Yes, for that use whatever method you want and you are comfortable to use, to hide them, to secure them, to split them, make it almost impossible to obtain them.

Because if nobody can have them, they can't touch you. And govs know this, that's why they try fooling noobs into fully custodial bank wallets and shit like that.

Is so damn simple:

If you bought from KYC, no problem, limit that usage and make coin control, coinjoin in your CACHE level. I have a simple method for this: